Sunday, June 22, 2008


We forgot to mention camping in past notes! For anyone coming out who would prefer to pitch a tent or sleep in a camper, that is definitely an option for wedding accommodations. Our bridal party (well, the groomsmen at least) have been graciously offered Louise's "cottage" in town, and she has also offered the yard to anyone wanting to tent. Thank you! As Lousie's place is right next to my parents', this is sure to be a super convenient option and will most likely lead to a very late night of celebrating after the celebrations. Who's bringing the guitar?

Also, in Bruxelles there are sports grounds for larger campers. It's not a permanent camping ground, so things like electricity and plumbing aren't going to work, but with the rink just around the bend you should be accommodate just fine. It is camping after all!

Please let us know if you will be camping and we'll try to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy busy!

Eep! It's been super busy lately and we haven't updated!

Things are rolling along for Matt and I. We moved into our new house on May 24th. So far we've painted and changed most of the flooring. We shall post pictures soon! Big thanks to all of the friends and family who've helped us during this crazy time - all of the hard work has paid off and our home is looking great - you're welcome over any time!

Wedding planning has come to a bit of a stand-still, but we have a giant "to do" list tomorrow. Centre pieces, tuxes, favours ... jeepers, this is a lot more party planning than we've ever done before, but it'll all be worth it in the end!

Theatre by the River is keeping us busier than ever. We just found out that Assiniboine Credit Union is on board as a sponsor for The Bush Ladies, and we hope to have our board of directors expanded this summer. The plays are looking great and our fundraisers actually raised money this year. We're just hoping to keep this ball rolling!

Cheers everyone - enjoy the sunshine!