Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"So you're scanning your life away"

This post's title is taken from a comment a Bay salesman made to us as we were wandering around the five floors of the Bay downtown location, registering for the wedding. For those who haven't yet had the joy, you get a little electronic gun (like a cashier's gun) and walk around the store scanning the bar codes of potential "things you'd like to get"

Of course, the rule of thumb is that once you've scanned something in you'll find another of the same type of item that is better. And you can't unscan. So you end up scanning the whole store. You do that OR you walk through the whole store looking at everything before walking through it a second time finally making your choices.

Mel and I tried doing the latter option a bit. Until we realized we could just ask our Registry Consultant to make any deletions we wanted at her station. Then we went nuts.

I think we scanned a melon baller. Which we don't need. But I kind of like having it on our registry.

Melon baller.

Tee hee.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another big CHECK

Wedding invitations are done. Woohooo!! I'm super glad we made our own, but good gravy they took FOREVER. And, of course, I discovered a typo in the inclusion letter AFTER printing 200 and sealing them away in envelopes with invitations.

So, if you've found this blog ... bravo! I totally forgot to include the blogspot part of the URL address in the letter. Many apologies! Spread the word to friends and family to help them find the site. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Wedding Team

When I'm at a wedding, I wonder about the people involved. And wedding programs aren't like theatre ones with headshots and bios (recently performed at these other weddings, etc...) so here's your chance to learn more about the wedding party.

James Firby - Groomsman
Same name as his father (actually a clone - shhhh!)
Called by his last name - no relation to the furry, cuddly toy. Distant at most.
Claims to have done five "tours" in 'Nam. We assume they're theatrical.

Brent Hirose - Groomsman
Triple threat actor/dancer/turtle enthusiast
Volatile mix of Scottish and Japanese (the fightin' heritages!)
Currently a free agent... Ladies ;)

James Johnston - Groomsman
Political puppet master, runs Canada from Korea
Invented a musical note (C sharp-ish)
Left a good portion of himself in Europe

Laura Marginet - Bridesmaid
Science student/stuntman (injuries sustained from both)
Apparently often surrounded by idiots. God!
Stuffed cotton balls into VCR as child, not yet forgiven by father

Amanda De Spiegelaere - Bridesmaid
Hair connected to tongue, hilarious when eating
Defensive of her house's greenish-gold 70's era shag carpeting
Married to half-giant

Alundra Elder - Bridesmaid
Calm, quiet cousin of bride, easily surprised by camera flashes
Can dance, dance revolution you into the ground
Likes a boy! Saw it on Facebook! OMG :-P ROTFL!

So that's our party. I defy you to bring together a finer group of friends. Seriously. Try it. And we'll all duke it out, gangland style. No guns.

Just blades...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A roof to call our own... and keep the rain off

It's not really -wedding- related but heck, why not brag a bit? We bought a house! After a truly grueling month of hopes rising and dashing like so many waves on an overpriced, overbid reef we have been INCREDIBLY fortunate to find a house downtown for a reasonable price. Under the asking price, if you'll believe it.

I'd hate to think how Fate is balancing this elsewhere in the world. Maybe a toy shop somewhere is burning.

Oh well.

Now on to invitations! Which reminds me of something I told Mel I'd do yesterday...