Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"So you're scanning your life away"

This post's title is taken from a comment a Bay salesman made to us as we were wandering around the five floors of the Bay downtown location, registering for the wedding. For those who haven't yet had the joy, you get a little electronic gun (like a cashier's gun) and walk around the store scanning the bar codes of potential "things you'd like to get"

Of course, the rule of thumb is that once you've scanned something in you'll find another of the same type of item that is better. And you can't unscan. So you end up scanning the whole store. You do that OR you walk through the whole store looking at everything before walking through it a second time finally making your choices.

Mel and I tried doing the latter option a bit. Until we realized we could just ask our Registry Consultant to make any deletions we wanted at her station. Then we went nuts.

I think we scanned a melon baller. Which we don't need. But I kind of like having it on our registry.

Melon baller.

Tee hee.

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