Sunday, February 17, 2008


I've found it insane how many times you're asked "Sooooo, how did you guys get engaged?!?" since becoming engaged. This, in turn has made me realize how many times I ask it myself. Funny how that happens eh?

Anyways, I thought it would be a great idea to post the whole crazy story here. And it was indeed a bit insane. It happened in March 2007. I had just returned from my week as a Dove model in Toronto (So Cool!) and Matt was Finally back in town after roaming Manitoba as part of the Munsch tour ....

We had set ourselves a date night. I had an audition at Art Space in the late afternoon. Matt came along and the plan was for him to go to Mondragon to read while I did my audition, then I'd run over there when it was over and we'd head out for an evening on the town.

I'm exiting the elevator in Art Space, walking towards the exit when I notice an envelope taped to the hand-rail. Interesting. I walk a few more steps and see that MARGINET is written on the front. Very interesting. I open it up to find:
We have kidnapped the dutchman. If you want him back, head to where you once counted down to love.
Or we kill him.
No longer alive.

It was signed with a pirate symbol.

Looking back a few posts on this blog, you'll remember that the intended location was the Riverwalk. I was very excited at this moment and headed off towards the river. I walked down Donald to Assiniboine Ave, headed west for a few blocks and then took the stairs down to the walk. Now, the bench was either to the left or right (they all look the same!) I look right ... definitely no one around. I decide to head left around the curve. Off I go!

And I walk, and walk, walk ... still walking. "Matt, HELLO, is anyone here!!!?" I've now reached a deep puddle (remember, end of March. Icy and wet) and I'm practically at the Forks. "If anyone can hear me, I'm going back! Hello?!?"

I turn around. As I walk back I'm pretty tired, quite chilly, HUNGRY (remember: date dinner night!) and a little worried that I'm about to screw this whole thing up.

Finally, I'm back to where I started. Maybe I'll check out these benches ahead ... What's That!! An Envelope!!

I walk over and see THE AMAZING RACE written on it. How exciting! I LOVE that show!!! I pull out a piece of paper and read:

Go to the place where the horses ran before Assiniboia Downs. P.S. it's our family restaurant.

.... WHAT!? How am I supposed to know where the horses ran, and we don't HAVE a family restaurant. Ugh!!!

Now I have no idea what to do. Should I just go back home? Should I get the car and drive ... somewhere?

I walk to the stairs at the Legislature and start heading up to the street, when I see a few guys in feathered hat. Hmm, history buffs. Maybe they'll know the history of the Downs??? Then, one of them looks at me. The I hear "She's here!" Am I going crazy? Has my brain chilled to the point of hallucinations? Am I this unable to function with no food???

Suddenly, I'm being surrounded by pirates who take me to a specific spot on the stairs. I see now that the pirates are Firby, Brent and Jacquie - with feathered hats. Awesome. I think at this point I'm laughing and a wee bit freaked out to be so obviously the centre of attention.

Then there's some yelling from the distance "I'll save you lass!!!" and I see Matthew with blue short pants, a ruffled shirt and white hat dashing down the stairs. He pulls his sword and I proceed to witness an amazing sword fight in which my hero defeats the pirates (P.S. there was an eight year old kid there with his mom at the time, thoroughly entertained!)

After defeating the pirates my hero proposes to me. This point is all a blur, but it was very romantic. I just remember looking into his gorgeous blue eyes and thinking "wow!!"

Of course, I said yes. Although I did have to ask "What was the deal with the weird Amazing Race clue? You're lucky I managed to find you!"

Matt: What clue?

Me: The clue on the bench (I read him the clue).

Matt: I have no idea what you're talking about.

James/Jacque/Brent: We have to bring this back!

Yes, I had stumbled upon someone else's treasure hunt in the midst of finding my own engagement location. That, my friends, pretty much sums up mine and Matt's relationship right there: Matt has big, crazy ideas. I can put together the details and make sure it goes off with few to no problems (For example, I would have put - I don't know - A MAP on the back of the clue perhaps!) We're pretty awesome.

We ended the evening with a FANTASTIC meal at Mise in the Village, and returned to call our family and tell them the crazy news!

4 months later we set the date and are now having a jazz-themed wedding on September 20, 2008. The ceremony will be at the Bru, and reception in the Bruxelles hall/tent. We're very excited and look forward to telling you all about it!

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