Sunday, October 26, 2008

Photos ... sort of

We'll put up actual photos soon, but I just spent hours uploading all of the albums to facebook. Even if you're not a facebooker, you can still see the albums by going to the link! There are 7 albums in total.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out to share in our wedding, and to all those who were there in spirit. We had such a wonderful, fun, exciting and memorable day. There will be plenty of photos published soon!

In the meantime, I realized that I was going to dedicate Alicia Key's Superwoman to all of the fabulous women in my life (my mom, sister, grandma, grannie, aunts, cousins, friends) as well as the wonderful women in Matt's life who have embraced me over the years and who are truly superwomen themselves (Anne, Rachel, Meredith and relatives I'm only beginning to meet but hope to get to know well in the future - Nan, Oma, Connie, Frietzen, Martha, Sarah ...the list goes on!)

So, a few days too late, but published on the internet for all time, I send out the fabulous Alicia Key's Superwoman to you all!

I also wanted to post, well, I guess what Matt and I can call "our song" - Michael Buble's Everything. It very much sums up our relationship ...

Monday, September 15, 2008


All right, so you're off to a wedding in a small Manitoba town called Bruxelles and you go "wait a minute, this place isn't on most maps, how am I supposed to get there???"

No need to fret my friends, we're here to save the day!

So, let's assume that you know how to get to McGillvary Blvd off of Pembina. You're heading WEST down McGillvary ...

... You get to Route 90 (always best to go by route #'s, this street changes names like 5 times in the next 7 miles!!)

... Head straight through Route 90, staying on McGillvary past the giant Cosco and giant Cinema City (why does everything have to be giant sized in this part of town?)

... You reach Oak Bluff. There's a Humpty's on your left (very good breakfasts) and you're at the Perimeter Hwy. Go straight through that light without turning!

... You're heading outside of Oak Bluff and there's a corner coming up for HWY 2. (There's a place to dump car garbage in a blue bin. Remember not to litter!)

... Take the yield lane heading WEST onto HWY 2. Merge safely, check for cars!

... Cruise down Hwy 2 for a little over an hour ...

... You've gone through Treherne (Some of you may have booked rooms here, enjoy!) Otherwise, keep driving!

... You're coming up to Holland (MB). At the first intersection (closed down gas station on your right) you want to turn left and head SOUTH on 34. If you go right you'll get to Austin. If you reach Austin, you've gone the wrong way. Please turn around and re-read this last point.

... You're now driving over some hilly terrain. Keep on the HWY. You'll pass the Monestary (see side bar) around the Notre Dame turn off, than you'll pass my uncle John's farm with the lake behind the house (my dad grew up there!) and on the right is my friend Karla's place. Wave.

... Once you've gone around 2 curves the hwy will start to straighten out. You're approaching the Bruxelles turn off sign, which is green. Keep your eyes peeled!

... Turn right (WEST) and go up that big hill. My mom runs on this hill often. She just got first place in her age group this past weekend in the Treherne "Run for the Hills!" half marathon AND did it in under 2 hours. Go mom!!

... Keep driving until you hit Bruxelles. It's small, but since the road is so curvy you shouldn't miss it. My parent's place is at Marginet's Grocery and Hardware. Park and ring the bell. If you're running a little late Saturday and are going to go right to the Bru ...

... Keep driving out of town, the road turn to gravel. Careful! You'll go a few more miles and turn at the road to go to the Bru. This is tricky, so there will be signage/balloons.

... Turn right (NORTH) until you reach the lane for the Bru. See you inside!!


P.S. If you think you might get lost, give our cell a call before Saturday and I'll give you my parents' number.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Thank You

A big, in fact HUGE, thanks to everyone who helped make this past weekend a huge success. And a big thanks and hug to all who attended the wedding shower and our crazy social on Saturday!

The 20th is coming amazingly fast. But, I've finished the first draft of the seating plan, and we're going to get our marriage license (sort of important) tomorrow. Other than that I'm sure all the chips will fall into place ... right?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting close ...

I cannot believe that the cycle of wedding "events" is under way! I had my stagette last weekend (thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came out, it was such a blast!) and this weekend Matt's sister Meredith is hosting a shower for me. It's so weird to think of myself as having a shower - don't I just go to those things for other people who are getting married? Weird! Matt is getting taken out by the boys for the stag ... we'll see how that turns out - should I be afraid?

On the 6th is the social. Be sure to check out the event on Facebook. For those who have avoided this addictive site, the social will be in Holland MB, about an hour outside of Winnipeg. You can get tickets from any of the bridal party (see past post introducing the crew on this blog) or by contacting Matt and myself ( or - or call, but I'm not posting my phone number!)

After that, it's time for the crazy weekend to begin! I'm so glad Matt and I have decided to keep everything low-key and relaxed, it's definitely kept the stress down. And, seriously, is all the details don't come together "perfectly" is anyone really going to notice? All we need is good food, good friends and good fun, and I'm sure with our guest list and amazing caterer, we're sure to have ALL of the above.

That said, I did check my "to do" list and realized I forgot a few things. Always have a list - they'll save you in the end!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And we panic in 3... 2... 1...

We're sure we're not the first couple to observe that time has flown and it's only a month left to the wedding (actually less) but... WOW! There's a ton of stuff to do (Mel is trying to grow extra arms right now, I'm working on telekinesis).

The stagette has already happened. Maybe I'll post on my observations when Mel isn't looking. Not that I was there for most of it. I just got to see the results at the end. And clean up the detritus. Lucky me. The stag is happening this weekend and I gotta say guys, the girls have set the bar really high in terms of sheer destructive fun.

Mel and did most of our shopping last weekend. Five hours, us versus the stores. We came off a close second because shopping is NOT our favourite event. But on occasion luck was on our side - stepped into Gale's Wholesale looking for some flowers and out of the thousands of boxes, the ones we wanted were in box three. "YAY! One down... sicty... five to go... "

We've also been to dance class which was a lot less bloody than I thought it'd go. Started with a simple fox trot and with a little practice between now and the wedding I'll be throwing Mel around. Watch your drinks.

A little taste of wedding music and then it's off to run errands!

OH, and social is on the 6th in Holland Hall. Give us a call at 204-943-9573 for details.


Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, the page on the calendar has flipped again, and the official countdown to the wedding has begun! The Marginet's spent the weekend at the TenBruggencate's (thanks again Anne for the FABULOUS meals) and Matt and I were organized enough to have all of the supplies for our favours ready! With the extra hands it took no time to put them together (well, after hand-writing the cards that is ...) Thanks a bunch for the help all!

Speaking of, Matt and I sat down to make a list of all the supplies still needed to put together our fabulous garden party evening. As the column got longer and longer and then stretched into two, I began to have a minor heart-attack. However, Matt came to my rescue and assured me that we have enough time to put it together (what a trooper he is) and for now I will believe him. This may change a few posts from now ...

Aside from this little wedding thing, our major project is planning to open the outdoor run of The Bush Ladies. The Fringe was fabulous, with great reviews and sold-out performances. We can't wait to get it on it's feet at the riverbank and share the remarkable story of these women with even more people. If you'd like to come and check it out, please visit the Theatre by the River website, also found in the side-bar.

Speaking of the sidebar, Matt and I are trying to add as much to it as we can. Check regularly for updates, and be sure to let us know if you're having trouble finding a place to spend the night. We look forward to having a great evening with all of our friends and family able to join us in beautiful Bruxelles on September 20th!