Sunday, October 26, 2008

Photos ... sort of

We'll put up actual photos soon, but I just spent hours uploading all of the albums to facebook. Even if you're not a facebooker, you can still see the albums by going to the link! There are 7 albums in total.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out to share in our wedding, and to all those who were there in spirit. We had such a wonderful, fun, exciting and memorable day. There will be plenty of photos published soon!

In the meantime, I realized that I was going to dedicate Alicia Key's Superwoman to all of the fabulous women in my life (my mom, sister, grandma, grannie, aunts, cousins, friends) as well as the wonderful women in Matt's life who have embraced me over the years and who are truly superwomen themselves (Anne, Rachel, Meredith and relatives I'm only beginning to meet but hope to get to know well in the future - Nan, Oma, Connie, Frietzen, Martha, Sarah ...the list goes on!)

So, a few days too late, but published on the internet for all time, I send out the fabulous Alicia Key's Superwoman to you all!

I also wanted to post, well, I guess what Matt and I can call "our song" - Michael Buble's Everything. It very much sums up our relationship ...

Monday, September 15, 2008


All right, so you're off to a wedding in a small Manitoba town called Bruxelles and you go "wait a minute, this place isn't on most maps, how am I supposed to get there???"

No need to fret my friends, we're here to save the day!

So, let's assume that you know how to get to McGillvary Blvd off of Pembina. You're heading WEST down McGillvary ...

... You get to Route 90 (always best to go by route #'s, this street changes names like 5 times in the next 7 miles!!)

... Head straight through Route 90, staying on McGillvary past the giant Cosco and giant Cinema City (why does everything have to be giant sized in this part of town?)

... You reach Oak Bluff. There's a Humpty's on your left (very good breakfasts) and you're at the Perimeter Hwy. Go straight through that light without turning!

... You're heading outside of Oak Bluff and there's a corner coming up for HWY 2. (There's a place to dump car garbage in a blue bin. Remember not to litter!)

... Take the yield lane heading WEST onto HWY 2. Merge safely, check for cars!

... Cruise down Hwy 2 for a little over an hour ...

... You've gone through Treherne (Some of you may have booked rooms here, enjoy!) Otherwise, keep driving!

... You're coming up to Holland (MB). At the first intersection (closed down gas station on your right) you want to turn left and head SOUTH on 34. If you go right you'll get to Austin. If you reach Austin, you've gone the wrong way. Please turn around and re-read this last point.

... You're now driving over some hilly terrain. Keep on the HWY. You'll pass the Monestary (see side bar) around the Notre Dame turn off, than you'll pass my uncle John's farm with the lake behind the house (my dad grew up there!) and on the right is my friend Karla's place. Wave.

... Once you've gone around 2 curves the hwy will start to straighten out. You're approaching the Bruxelles turn off sign, which is green. Keep your eyes peeled!

... Turn right (WEST) and go up that big hill. My mom runs on this hill often. She just got first place in her age group this past weekend in the Treherne "Run for the Hills!" half marathon AND did it in under 2 hours. Go mom!!

... Keep driving until you hit Bruxelles. It's small, but since the road is so curvy you shouldn't miss it. My parent's place is at Marginet's Grocery and Hardware. Park and ring the bell. If you're running a little late Saturday and are going to go right to the Bru ...

... Keep driving out of town, the road turn to gravel. Careful! You'll go a few more miles and turn at the road to go to the Bru. This is tricky, so there will be signage/balloons.

... Turn right (NORTH) until you reach the lane for the Bru. See you inside!!


P.S. If you think you might get lost, give our cell a call before Saturday and I'll give you my parents' number.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Thank You

A big, in fact HUGE, thanks to everyone who helped make this past weekend a huge success. And a big thanks and hug to all who attended the wedding shower and our crazy social on Saturday!

The 20th is coming amazingly fast. But, I've finished the first draft of the seating plan, and we're going to get our marriage license (sort of important) tomorrow. Other than that I'm sure all the chips will fall into place ... right?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting close ...

I cannot believe that the cycle of wedding "events" is under way! I had my stagette last weekend (thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came out, it was such a blast!) and this weekend Matt's sister Meredith is hosting a shower for me. It's so weird to think of myself as having a shower - don't I just go to those things for other people who are getting married? Weird! Matt is getting taken out by the boys for the stag ... we'll see how that turns out - should I be afraid?

On the 6th is the social. Be sure to check out the event on Facebook. For those who have avoided this addictive site, the social will be in Holland MB, about an hour outside of Winnipeg. You can get tickets from any of the bridal party (see past post introducing the crew on this blog) or by contacting Matt and myself ( or - or call, but I'm not posting my phone number!)

After that, it's time for the crazy weekend to begin! I'm so glad Matt and I have decided to keep everything low-key and relaxed, it's definitely kept the stress down. And, seriously, is all the details don't come together "perfectly" is anyone really going to notice? All we need is good food, good friends and good fun, and I'm sure with our guest list and amazing caterer, we're sure to have ALL of the above.

That said, I did check my "to do" list and realized I forgot a few things. Always have a list - they'll save you in the end!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And we panic in 3... 2... 1...

We're sure we're not the first couple to observe that time has flown and it's only a month left to the wedding (actually less) but... WOW! There's a ton of stuff to do (Mel is trying to grow extra arms right now, I'm working on telekinesis).

The stagette has already happened. Maybe I'll post on my observations when Mel isn't looking. Not that I was there for most of it. I just got to see the results at the end. And clean up the detritus. Lucky me. The stag is happening this weekend and I gotta say guys, the girls have set the bar really high in terms of sheer destructive fun.

Mel and did most of our shopping last weekend. Five hours, us versus the stores. We came off a close second because shopping is NOT our favourite event. But on occasion luck was on our side - stepped into Gale's Wholesale looking for some flowers and out of the thousands of boxes, the ones we wanted were in box three. "YAY! One down... sicty... five to go... "

We've also been to dance class which was a lot less bloody than I thought it'd go. Started with a simple fox trot and with a little practice between now and the wedding I'll be throwing Mel around. Watch your drinks.

A little taste of wedding music and then it's off to run errands!

OH, and social is on the 6th in Holland Hall. Give us a call at 204-943-9573 for details.


Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, the page on the calendar has flipped again, and the official countdown to the wedding has begun! The Marginet's spent the weekend at the TenBruggencate's (thanks again Anne for the FABULOUS meals) and Matt and I were organized enough to have all of the supplies for our favours ready! With the extra hands it took no time to put them together (well, after hand-writing the cards that is ...) Thanks a bunch for the help all!

Speaking of, Matt and I sat down to make a list of all the supplies still needed to put together our fabulous garden party evening. As the column got longer and longer and then stretched into two, I began to have a minor heart-attack. However, Matt came to my rescue and assured me that we have enough time to put it together (what a trooper he is) and for now I will believe him. This may change a few posts from now ...

Aside from this little wedding thing, our major project is planning to open the outdoor run of The Bush Ladies. The Fringe was fabulous, with great reviews and sold-out performances. We can't wait to get it on it's feet at the riverbank and share the remarkable story of these women with even more people. If you'd like to come and check it out, please visit the Theatre by the River website, also found in the side-bar.

Speaking of the sidebar, Matt and I are trying to add as much to it as we can. Check regularly for updates, and be sure to let us know if you're having trouble finding a place to spend the night. We look forward to having a great evening with all of our friends and family able to join us in beautiful Bruxelles on September 20th!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We forgot to mention camping in past notes! For anyone coming out who would prefer to pitch a tent or sleep in a camper, that is definitely an option for wedding accommodations. Our bridal party (well, the groomsmen at least) have been graciously offered Louise's "cottage" in town, and she has also offered the yard to anyone wanting to tent. Thank you! As Lousie's place is right next to my parents', this is sure to be a super convenient option and will most likely lead to a very late night of celebrating after the celebrations. Who's bringing the guitar?

Also, in Bruxelles there are sports grounds for larger campers. It's not a permanent camping ground, so things like electricity and plumbing aren't going to work, but with the rink just around the bend you should be accommodate just fine. It is camping after all!

Please let us know if you will be camping and we'll try to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy busy!

Eep! It's been super busy lately and we haven't updated!

Things are rolling along for Matt and I. We moved into our new house on May 24th. So far we've painted and changed most of the flooring. We shall post pictures soon! Big thanks to all of the friends and family who've helped us during this crazy time - all of the hard work has paid off and our home is looking great - you're welcome over any time!

Wedding planning has come to a bit of a stand-still, but we have a giant "to do" list tomorrow. Centre pieces, tuxes, favours ... jeepers, this is a lot more party planning than we've ever done before, but it'll all be worth it in the end!

Theatre by the River is keeping us busier than ever. We just found out that Assiniboine Credit Union is on board as a sponsor for The Bush Ladies, and we hope to have our board of directors expanded this summer. The plays are looking great and our fundraisers actually raised money this year. We're just hoping to keep this ball rolling!

Cheers everyone - enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"So you're scanning your life away"

This post's title is taken from a comment a Bay salesman made to us as we were wandering around the five floors of the Bay downtown location, registering for the wedding. For those who haven't yet had the joy, you get a little electronic gun (like a cashier's gun) and walk around the store scanning the bar codes of potential "things you'd like to get"

Of course, the rule of thumb is that once you've scanned something in you'll find another of the same type of item that is better. And you can't unscan. So you end up scanning the whole store. You do that OR you walk through the whole store looking at everything before walking through it a second time finally making your choices.

Mel and I tried doing the latter option a bit. Until we realized we could just ask our Registry Consultant to make any deletions we wanted at her station. Then we went nuts.

I think we scanned a melon baller. Which we don't need. But I kind of like having it on our registry.

Melon baller.

Tee hee.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another big CHECK

Wedding invitations are done. Woohooo!! I'm super glad we made our own, but good gravy they took FOREVER. And, of course, I discovered a typo in the inclusion letter AFTER printing 200 and sealing them away in envelopes with invitations.

So, if you've found this blog ... bravo! I totally forgot to include the blogspot part of the URL address in the letter. Many apologies! Spread the word to friends and family to help them find the site. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Wedding Team

When I'm at a wedding, I wonder about the people involved. And wedding programs aren't like theatre ones with headshots and bios (recently performed at these other weddings, etc...) so here's your chance to learn more about the wedding party.

James Firby - Groomsman
Same name as his father (actually a clone - shhhh!)
Called by his last name - no relation to the furry, cuddly toy. Distant at most.
Claims to have done five "tours" in 'Nam. We assume they're theatrical.

Brent Hirose - Groomsman
Triple threat actor/dancer/turtle enthusiast
Volatile mix of Scottish and Japanese (the fightin' heritages!)
Currently a free agent... Ladies ;)

James Johnston - Groomsman
Political puppet master, runs Canada from Korea
Invented a musical note (C sharp-ish)
Left a good portion of himself in Europe

Laura Marginet - Bridesmaid
Science student/stuntman (injuries sustained from both)
Apparently often surrounded by idiots. God!
Stuffed cotton balls into VCR as child, not yet forgiven by father

Amanda De Spiegelaere - Bridesmaid
Hair connected to tongue, hilarious when eating
Defensive of her house's greenish-gold 70's era shag carpeting
Married to half-giant

Alundra Elder - Bridesmaid
Calm, quiet cousin of bride, easily surprised by camera flashes
Can dance, dance revolution you into the ground
Likes a boy! Saw it on Facebook! OMG :-P ROTFL!

So that's our party. I defy you to bring together a finer group of friends. Seriously. Try it. And we'll all duke it out, gangland style. No guns.

Just blades...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A roof to call our own... and keep the rain off

It's not really -wedding- related but heck, why not brag a bit? We bought a house! After a truly grueling month of hopes rising and dashing like so many waves on an overpriced, overbid reef we have been INCREDIBLY fortunate to find a house downtown for a reasonable price. Under the asking price, if you'll believe it.

I'd hate to think how Fate is balancing this elsewhere in the world. Maybe a toy shop somewhere is burning.

Oh well.

Now on to invitations! Which reminds me of something I told Mel I'd do yesterday...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

E-Day Matt's Perspective

Okay, so Mel has had her say about what being proposed to is like. Now PROPOSING is an entirely different story...

I'm on tour with "Love You Forever and other Stories" in the wilds of winter enslaved Manitoba. Well, not really wilds - I love Manitoba. Except that half of the year, the environment is trying to kill you so yes, it can seem a bit inhospitable. And thoughts turn to those we love. I know I want to propose to Mel because I want spend the time I've been given with her. And I want to celebrate our love surrounded by all our friends and family as we commit ourselves to each other.

The Plan:

Our tour is heading to Crystal City, not far from Bruxelles where Mel is from and where her parents live (and where the wedding is) and it's a Friday show. Mel will drive out so that she and I can spend the weekend together. LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW I've phoned ahead and arranged a horse-drawn sled ride. I've bought the ring in Brandon, it's traveling Manitoba with me. As the sun sets over the Tiger Hills, I'll propose.


Two days before E-Day, I call Mel and she's going to Toronto to be a Dove model. Yay/dammit.

New Plan:

Wait until we both are in Winnipeg. Much easier than over the phone or online (has microsoft invented that emoticon yet? a diamond ring beside a smiley with one eybrow raised?). No horses in Winnipeg so something else. We're actors so it should be dramatic. Something epic, like our love. So a swordfight by the river seemed natural.

I secretly meet with James, Brent and Jacquie (all of whom have had the good sense to invest in swords), we come up with the perfect fight (I beat them soundly) now I just need to get Mel to the spot and trust me, getting on her calendar is not easy. But I squeeze in a "date night" where she's all mine. Except she has an audition. Fine, when she gets home she'll find a note telling her where to go. She wants me to come with her and we can go out from there. Fine, I'll improvise, steal some paper from Cinematheque and tape it on a handrail for her to find.

I run home, grab the car and head down to Osborne, change into my tights in the car outside the restaurant and head to the river walk. And from someone who knows, dressing in Elizabethan tights and carrying four swords through Osborne Village incites a lot less interest than you'd expect. Jacquie, Brent and James are all ready to go. I'm nervous and ready to go. We just need Mel.

In my defense to Mel's previous post, I thought for sure a) she would walk down Osborne street to get to the riverwalk, thus having to pass by our ambush and b) our "first kiss bench" was closer to the bridge and c) the riverwalk would not be as impassably wet as it turned out to be.

We run through the fight a few times, now that Mel is half an hour behind schedule. Brent is working his cell phone like a beast trying to get in touch with her and "suggest" she wander by the legislative steps. Tourists are taking pictures. I'm standing on a high pedestal, statuesque (me hopes) looking for her. 45 minutes late. Piss, I'm going to wander up Osborne towards Portage to try and spy her. Halfway to the street... gee that sounds like my crew crying "Argh we have ye lassie"

OH PISS, IT'S HER! I'm completely out of position!

Fortunately the evil three have grabbed Mel and distract her (oddly enough) allowing me to leap over some barriers and get where I need to be. We fight. Mel is stunned. I seem to remember her hyperventilating and glancing wildly around, not really sure where she is. The fight ends and I reach into the snowbank where I've hidden the ring box. Now my proposal.


And I didn't remember it. Cobbled together something about love and devotion. All truly meant and sincere, but jim-jabbered up by nerves. Probably came out "Arw waha jillma nah grabba NAH?" And she said yes.

Go figure. Though upon reflection, the proposal did turn out to be representative of our relationship. Lots of twists, confusion on all parts, totally unscheduled. But fun.

/:D Q

(This post is sponsored by the Evil 3, who phoned ahead to Mise restaurant and bought us a bottle of wine. 'Til we cross swords again)

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I've found it insane how many times you're asked "Sooooo, how did you guys get engaged?!?" since becoming engaged. This, in turn has made me realize how many times I ask it myself. Funny how that happens eh?

Anyways, I thought it would be a great idea to post the whole crazy story here. And it was indeed a bit insane. It happened in March 2007. I had just returned from my week as a Dove model in Toronto (So Cool!) and Matt was Finally back in town after roaming Manitoba as part of the Munsch tour ....

We had set ourselves a date night. I had an audition at Art Space in the late afternoon. Matt came along and the plan was for him to go to Mondragon to read while I did my audition, then I'd run over there when it was over and we'd head out for an evening on the town.

I'm exiting the elevator in Art Space, walking towards the exit when I notice an envelope taped to the hand-rail. Interesting. I walk a few more steps and see that MARGINET is written on the front. Very interesting. I open it up to find:
We have kidnapped the dutchman. If you want him back, head to where you once counted down to love.
Or we kill him.
No longer alive.

It was signed with a pirate symbol.

Looking back a few posts on this blog, you'll remember that the intended location was the Riverwalk. I was very excited at this moment and headed off towards the river. I walked down Donald to Assiniboine Ave, headed west for a few blocks and then took the stairs down to the walk. Now, the bench was either to the left or right (they all look the same!) I look right ... definitely no one around. I decide to head left around the curve. Off I go!

And I walk, and walk, walk ... still walking. "Matt, HELLO, is anyone here!!!?" I've now reached a deep puddle (remember, end of March. Icy and wet) and I'm practically at the Forks. "If anyone can hear me, I'm going back! Hello?!?"

I turn around. As I walk back I'm pretty tired, quite chilly, HUNGRY (remember: date dinner night!) and a little worried that I'm about to screw this whole thing up.

Finally, I'm back to where I started. Maybe I'll check out these benches ahead ... What's That!! An Envelope!!

I walk over and see THE AMAZING RACE written on it. How exciting! I LOVE that show!!! I pull out a piece of paper and read:

Go to the place where the horses ran before Assiniboia Downs. P.S. it's our family restaurant.

.... WHAT!? How am I supposed to know where the horses ran, and we don't HAVE a family restaurant. Ugh!!!

Now I have no idea what to do. Should I just go back home? Should I get the car and drive ... somewhere?

I walk to the stairs at the Legislature and start heading up to the street, when I see a few guys in feathered hat. Hmm, history buffs. Maybe they'll know the history of the Downs??? Then, one of them looks at me. The I hear "She's here!" Am I going crazy? Has my brain chilled to the point of hallucinations? Am I this unable to function with no food???

Suddenly, I'm being surrounded by pirates who take me to a specific spot on the stairs. I see now that the pirates are Firby, Brent and Jacquie - with feathered hats. Awesome. I think at this point I'm laughing and a wee bit freaked out to be so obviously the centre of attention.

Then there's some yelling from the distance "I'll save you lass!!!" and I see Matthew with blue short pants, a ruffled shirt and white hat dashing down the stairs. He pulls his sword and I proceed to witness an amazing sword fight in which my hero defeats the pirates (P.S. there was an eight year old kid there with his mom at the time, thoroughly entertained!)

After defeating the pirates my hero proposes to me. This point is all a blur, but it was very romantic. I just remember looking into his gorgeous blue eyes and thinking "wow!!"

Of course, I said yes. Although I did have to ask "What was the deal with the weird Amazing Race clue? You're lucky I managed to find you!"

Matt: What clue?

Me: The clue on the bench (I read him the clue).

Matt: I have no idea what you're talking about.

James/Jacque/Brent: We have to bring this back!

Yes, I had stumbled upon someone else's treasure hunt in the midst of finding my own engagement location. That, my friends, pretty much sums up mine and Matt's relationship right there: Matt has big, crazy ideas. I can put together the details and make sure it goes off with few to no problems (For example, I would have put - I don't know - A MAP on the back of the clue perhaps!) We're pretty awesome.

We ended the evening with a FANTASTIC meal at Mise in the Village, and returned to call our family and tell them the crazy news!

4 months later we set the date and are now having a jazz-themed wedding on September 20, 2008. The ceremony will be at the Bru, and reception in the Bruxelles hall/tent. We're very excited and look forward to telling you all about it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Invitation photo?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Some engagement photos

All photos by the amazing James Firby in amazing Assiniboine Park!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Telling Mel How I (gulp) Feel

It was December, first year we were going out. Or January... ok, I don't remember the date but it was cold and snowy, so winter, right? At my suggestion we're walking along the riverwalk, the snow glowing warm in the lamplight. The wind, on the other hand...
And I suggested we walk down here because I have something important to say, but being a coward or a Wagnerian, I need the full support of a romantic environment to say it.
"Mel, I have something to tell you."
"See... if I tell you and you are displeased, I'm going to have to run away and jump in the river. Which I expect would be very cold"
"Well how I have something to tell you, so how about we say it at the same time?"
"I love you"

(note: some of you are writhing on the floor, overcome by the combined force of corn, cheese and/or sweetness. while I do not apologize for the contents of this post (or my love of mel) the following link will take you a first aid training site, instructing you in basic recovery posture until emergency response personnel can arrive at your location with transfusions of cynicism and bitterness)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Meeting Matt

I met Matt back in Intro: Performance at the UofW. I was fresh out of high school and ready to meet some new people and, most importantly, study theatre. Well, I wasn't there to study theatre per-se right off the hop. I was more into film, but thought an Intro acting class was definitely a must. And what a GREAT class - so many people that have gone on to do amazing things!! (well, dancing Kim was a little scary, but I think she was only there for 2 classes - that girl sure made an impression if I remember her with such vividness this many years later.) It opened up the door to where Matt and I are today - running our own company and being active members of the theatre community.

But, I was not so horribly grown up at the time, and my first thoughts of Matt in a romantic sense came from when my dear friend Arwen and I ranked the boys in the class on a scale of 1-10. Yes, we did that. Now, I'm not going to lie, Matt was not my highest score at the time. But I do believe this was before his improv. of Hedda Gabler in which he did a fabulous George Tesmen. So, at the time he was in about my top 3rd - a cute blond haired, blue eyed, very talented, incredibly smart guy who I grew to know more and more over the years. It turned out that we were not only part of the same intro class, but were then in the same lab for Style and Genre, got into the Honours program in the same year ... and had many evenings of theatrical revelry!

It was during rehearsals for Lysistrata that I knew that eventually I was going to have to tell Matt that I liked him ... romantically. Anyone who has ever had a crush on a good friend will know the mountain of complications that can happen when this goes badly. It wasn't until a supper break when Matt didn't join the rest of us but stayed behind to talk with a very cute female member of the production team, and someone said "maybe Matt will ask her out", and my heart landed firmly in my intestines that my brain went "CRAP! That can't happen! He shouldn't go out with her, he should go out with YOU!" and I knew I'd have to suck it up and go after him. CRAP!

Luckily, one very great Halloween party later - when Matt zoomed into the room on roller blades, wearing ski goggles - we ended up outside on the balcony alone. It was very romantic, and we started our journey as an official couple.

It hasn't always been rollerblades and opening night excitement and bliss, but the years have left me knowing that Matt is my lobster and the one I hope to stroll down the beach with when I'm an old lady. I know we'll be the coolest old couple in the neighbourhood, so move onto our block if you can!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First time I met Mel

It was my first year of university. I had taken the year off after grade 12 to find myself and found instead that I hated menial jobs and wanted further education. Anywho, this was Introduction to Performance class with Prof. Blake Taylor, about forty people to start with. Lots of characters.

Dancing Kim - Wouldn't stop dancing or talking about dancing. Ever. Blake would be lecturing and she would start twirling. I kid you not.

Cool Nick - Nick is cool. Snide, sarcastic and cool. He's going to do films and "you can be in them... Syke!"

Ryan - "Hey, where's my cell phone? WHERE THE HELL IS MY CELL PHONE??? WHO THE HELL TOOK MY oh here it is. (five minutes later) Hey, where's my..."

And there was Mel. Laughing, Smiling. Making friends quicker than I could blink. Being cool without being someone else. In a room full of personalities (dance kim, dance!) Mel stood out.

We went through the usual theatre exercises to both break the ice and work on skills, slowly getting to know eachother. I made sure I got to know Mel. But I didn't know if she was single dammit! There should be some sign maybe, a particular hairstyle that says "if you ask me out, there won't be that big awkward pause. you know - the uhhhh........... actually..." So I sidle up to a girl she's made friends with, Arwen Smith

"Uhhh, I THINK she does, but I'm not sure-sure, you know"

GAHH! Arwen, could you be less specific and more anguish-inducing. But a few more questions (slyly phrased, carefully introduced) and my early hopes were dashed. Fine, we'll be friends. Good friends. Great friends. And who knows...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Test Test

We've officially begun our wedding blog! Nobody knows about it yet - we're waiting for some pictures and news etc. If you've found this blog, congratulations! You're one of our first visitors. Here's a quick 3 photo introduction to Matt and Mel (aka Melt - how clever eh? Aren't our friends creative?) I think you'll find a picture speaks a thousand words ...